Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Posing for Bridal Boudoir Photography – part 01

When I was a young struggling photographer, I earned a little cash on the side by doing portfolios for strippers in London. They taught me so much about posing. The most important thing I learnt was about posture. There is not a single thing which will improve your looks as quickly as standing correctly.

Stretching your body and accentuating the S shape of your body will pull your curves into position. It will also smooth out lumps and bumps.

Very few humans have breasts which look good dangling down when you are on all fours. Maybe if you are wearing a push up bra it could work but if you are naked they tend to look silly. Instead lie on your tummy, support yourself on your elbows , bend your knees and cross your ankles. This is a very flattering pose and modest too.

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